35 New Year’s resolution ideas for your 2023

With a new year comes a new opportunity to reflect on our habits and create healthier ones where we need to. If you’re ready to embrace 2023,  but you need some New Year’s resolution inspo, you’ve come to the right place.

Our key takeaway is to try and make your resolutions SMART – that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Here’s some more info on just how to do this.

1. Set aside 5 minutes of mindfulness time each morning
2. Sit down with the family to eat dinner once a week
3. Cook one new meal every week
4. Or cook with one new vegetable every week
5. Start or join a book club, or read a book a month
6. Take a month off the booze
7. Charge the phone outside of the bedroom at night
8. Get your skin checked
9. Take the stairs wherever possible
10. Drink at least 4 glasses of water each day
11. Volunteer for a cause you care about once a month
12. Book a class in a hobby you’ve wanted to try
13. Try a new form of exercise for a month
14. Declutter one space in the house each month
15. Don’t check your emails on weekends
16. Start having one phone-free day each week
17. Visit a new place once a month
18. Write down three things your grateful for each night
19. Book a dentist appointment
20. Delete a social media platform that’s no longer serving you
21. Send a handwritten letter to a loved one once a month
22. Delete or delegate one thing on your to do list each week
23. Invest in a face moisturiser with SPF
24. Make your bed every morning
25. Clear out your inbox every day (or week)
26. Go on a month-long shopping ban where all you buy is food and essentials
27. Unsubscribe from all unnecessary email communications
28. Have a bath night once a week
29. Reconnect with an old friend
30. Give yourself a bedtime, and wake up at the same time each day
31. Limit your TV watching to an hour or less each day
32. Start diarising important and meaningful dates
33. Journal for 10 minutes every day
34. Give a loved one a compliment each day
35. Give yourself a compliment each day – you deserve it!

Here’s to a healthier, happier 2023! Happy New Year!