Lakanto Australia Blog

Should we all become Flexitarians? 6 potential benefits to consider

Written by Lakanto Australia | 16 May 2022

Looking to be kinder to your body, your wallet and the planet by embracing a plant-based diet, but not ready to give up the occasional hamburger or Sunday roast? Flexitarianism could be your answer.

Flexitarianism – that is, flexible vegetarianism – is growing in popularity. So what’s the skinny? 

What’s a Flexitarian anyway?

A flexitarian diet is primarily plant-based but comes with a bit of room for meat and animal products on occasion.  This makes it more flexible (see what they did there?) that your classic vegetarian or vegan diets. 

The benefits of a flexitarian diet 

  • Flexitarianism’s simple, straightforward, relatively rule-free approach makes this diet pretty sustainable compared to other diets
  • More plant-based diets tend to be easier on your wallet than meat-heavy ones
  • Reducing your meat consumption is better for the planet too. You’ll also be decreasing greenhouse emissions as well as land and water use
  • You can take an ‘eat less, eat better’ approach, spending a little extra on the meat you do eat to ensure the animal in question was as ethically raised, caught and killed as possible
  • By basing your meals on fruit and veg and indulging in other stuff only occasionally, there’s a good chance you’ll shift a few kilos if you need to 
  • Plant-based diets that cut out a big chunk of the processed crap, sugar and fat have been linked to a range of health benefits. These types of diets might reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers

Ultimately, we like this diet as it embraces a lot of our core principles for healthy eating. Anything that bases meals around plants, avoids ultra-processed crap, and doesn’t’ beat anyone up for enjoying the stuff they like within moderation, sounds pretty good to us!